Application Brazil is open to all medical students worldwide! Apply now to your medical internship in Botucatu, affiliated to UNESP university, São Paulo. Ready to apply for your individual medical experience in Brazil? Experience Brazilian culture and everyday clinical life first hand and get in touch with medical experts at the Faculty of Medicine Botucatu Hospital in a typical, but safe Brazilian city in the state of São Paulo. The experienced tutors have a great deal of experience with teaching international medical students, as the hospital is also a partner of several German and international faculties worldwide for many years.
Your individual department choice and the exact time period needed will be tailored to your needs. Our team in Botucatu is greatly looking forward to welcome you to Brazil and to get yourself immersed in a uniques learning experience. Make contact to our medical experts to jumpstart your medical career.
For application to our Brazil program, please send us all of the specified application documents via email.
Application Brazil: How to apply?
Please send us the following documents to apply:
- Letter of recommendation and good standing from your university / medical school
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of motivation
- Photocopy of passport (National ID Cards can not be accepted!)
Passport picture for ID - Application Form -Download becoming available soon
- Bank Receipt for the transfer of the Application Fee of 110 EUR – alternatively, you can pay the Application Fee via PayPal below:
Application Fee Brazil |
Applicant Name |
All applications sent to any outdated email addresses are not guaranteed to be processed. Incomplete applications can not be processed!
Any Additional Questions?
In case you have any additional questions or concerns before applying, please contact us and we will be happy to answer you.
Please contact our consultants with your questions ahead of application or in case you have any problems submitting your application.
How is the Program in Brazil accredited?
Applying international medical students are strongly advised to familiarize with the specific regulations of their home university / medical faculty on the acceptance of clinical rotations performed abroad prior to application. Our program is already successfully accredited by many universities and medical faculties in Germany and several other countries. However, pleasekeep in mind that every university usually reserves the right to decide about acceptance of internships performed abroad (Final Year Rotations, Praktisches Jahr – PJ, Famulatur) on a case to case basis. It is your responsibility to make sure that credit will be granted. UNESP, the Education Office of Faculty of Medicine Botucatu (FMB) or Med’oPolo International Medical Internship Programs can not accept responsibility in case credit is denied in certain cases. Our program in Botucatu Brazil has never encountered any single case of accreditation problems!
Data disclaimer: Please be aware that we will forward all or parts of your data provided for application, as necessary, to our partners at the FMB Hospital, Botucatu – Brazil or at UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista), São Paulo/SP, Brazil. All data provided will hence not be covered by the legal data protection policies of the European Union, but solely be governed by the respective data protection laws of Brazil. Even though our partners will keep all of our student data strictly confidential, we do not have any influence on possible further data dissemination by our brazilian partners, such as any government or executive entities within Brazil. For complete information about data transmission, please review our complete Privacy Policy.